
In J.A. Corell S. L. we continue the tradition and 90 % of our crops are produced in a handmade way, it supposes that we produce top quality products. The processes of sowing and compilation are as follows:

SPRING GARLIC (Violet and white) -------> Seedtime: September - Harvest: At the end of May.
WHITE GARLIC ------------------------------> Seedtime: November - Harvest: 2nd half of June.
RED GARLIC ------> Seedtime: From December to 15th of January - Harvest: At the end of June

HALF A GRAIN: ---------------------------> Seedtime: December - Harvest: June
GRAING: -------------------------------------> Seedtime: February - Harvest: September
RED, WHITE, SWEET AND ECHALOTE -----> Seedtime: February - Harvest: Middle August

Since always

The tradition in the processes of sowing and withdrawal joined to an ideal area for their cultivation, make that our products are demanded in the whole world. " From always ".


J.A. Corell S. L. Cosechero - Exportador
Camino Real 53 - 02620 Minaya (ALBACETE) - ESPAÑA